If you answered
yes to any of those questions, then it’s time to back away from the keypad and get a little perspective.
For a month one summer, I experimented with a detox by imposing the following restraints:
1. No online activity before 8:30 am
2. Personal Facebook (and/or Pinterest, Instagram, Twitter) use restricted to 15 minutes or less at a time.
3. No checking personal social platforms until after individual work/home tasks are finished
4. No checking devices at dinnertime, while watching TV, or during one-to-one conversations
The results? I found out who that big man is who sleeps at my place-- “Hubby? Is that you?” I was able to easily complete a number of looming work related tasks and household projects. I’ve carved out
time at the beginning of each day for personal mindfulness – reading, meditation, journalling – and morning tea with the big guy. I feel more
focused, calmer, and less subject to random anxieties. I’ve also re-engaged with offline hobbies resulting in a
big boost in both my creativity and productivity.
I capped off the daily detox experiment with a full withdrawal program spending five days in the remote wilderness completely off the grid.
How was it?
Admittedly, it was a challenge, especially as I make part of my living coaching and training other in social media use. But, the world kept spinning. In fact, it seemed a little better and brighter.
To find out more about mindful social media us, read my 2016 tiny book, #Untrending, A Field Guide to Social Media That Matters.