Watching the sun sparkle on the water on some days, and the clouds gather and pucker in the sky overhead on others, I lay under a handmade quilt, stitched together by a foremother I had never met, her past handiwork touching my present, basting together my recovery.Receiving flowers, and visitors, and bowls of tomato soup, I realized that everything I needed and loved was pretty much right in front of my nose. The big ‘aha’ was that I actually didn’t have to go far or change much to have an ideal life, and this insight changed my coaching practice and my life forever.
Everyday happiness could also be defined as: every day, happiness-- a kind of a motto or slogan charging us to find happiness every day. Think of it as a maxim to live by, one that insists we take note daily of what, in some small way, puts a smile on our hearts. The premise here is simple: pay attention to the little things that make you happy. It is it is not the scale of the occurrence, but rather the attention it’s given that amplifies its impact.
We’re tempted to ignore the small sweetnesses because they’re so fleeting. We imagine that happiness arrives in the largest possible basket, one into which we can fit our whole selves, and just kind of lay there wallowing in joy. This is not the case. Happiness arrives more like a hummingbird – in a flash, now you see it, now you don’t.