vickimcleod, Author at Vicki McLeod - Page 2 of 10
December 23, 2021

In Search of the Big Aha: 14 Questions for a Mindful New Year

Love New Years? Here's 14 questions to make it mindful, meaningful, and help you focus on what truly matters.
December 9, 2021

Wading Through the Muck of Being Human

They say being human is to suffer. How do we embrace this? Mindfulness and self-compassion are key practices as we wade through the muck of our own humanity.
October 17, 2021
vicki mcleod

Here, Little Fishy…

On a macro level, there is a big global change going on. Change happens on the micro level, too. Who is this stress-crafting woman, awake before light to swim in a frigid dawn, sewing as the midwinter afternoon darkens, crocheting by moonlight?
October 1, 2021
vicki mcleod

Phases of Pandemic Life: The Stratigraphy of Identity Change

The objects we surround ourselves with express identity or meaning, revealing what matters to us. The things we collect, gather, curate and display speak to us, and also for us.
May 14, 2021

2020 BC-Yukon Flash Fiction Winner

My people came down from the mountains, brittle ghosts armed with blades and hacksaws. They were big eared, small-footed and had red-knuckled hands. They carried no expectations. The men were tough and canny, ready with violence, religiously upright, but secret drunks.
May 14, 2021

My Best Writing Tips: Interview with Steve Dotto

In this interview with Dottotech's Steve Dotto on the Grey Matters podcast, I share my best writing tips, including the rule of three's and how to stay focused and find the flow.
March 2, 2021

The Sea and Me: Wild Swimming

Immersing my body into the cold sea, brings me to the present moment. That moment contains sky and sea, and the wonder of being able to do the hard thing.
March 2, 2021

Digital Legacy Plan: Interview with Christoph Trappe

What is a digital legacy plan and why do you need one? Here are best practices for the social, emotional, and technical aspects of your digital legacy plan.
December 30, 2020

Three Powerful Techniques for Creating a Year You’ll Love

Creating a visual representation of your goals and dreams is a powerful technique to support purposeful action.